Saturday, June 25, 2011

The most fragile 'F' word

It wavers more than a dried leaf on a dead branch. The leaf has the excuse of being almost at the brink of dear life. It has lived its time, it has seen its spring and in the winter of life it gives away slowly the color and charm of youth. In the winter of its life, it withers away when the wind tugs at its base. 

But what about us or is it just me?  

Faith, I find is more fragile than that leaf. More delicate than the petal of a flower. Difficult to have, tough to hold on to, very very easy to let go. They say its about the choices you make, the decisions you take. Whats there to choose? Everything... I know. To be or not be, to keep the faith or just let it go. 

Doubts are like raging bulls, hovering clouds, in your head, or all around. Grey, dark, relentless. Then how do you keep them at bay? Find an anchor, God help you with that. Its easy to write off people, relations, situations and intent.

I try a bit everyday, almost invariably unsuccessfully, but I hope to get there someday, to keep the faith from shaking, to keep the belief from breaking. Faith not just in the divine, but in those I know, in the ones to keep, in the ones to let go, in all things pure, in the human heart...


Nas said...

Faith is very hard to have in anything. It is difficult to have blind faith, but when you have true faith then it's dazzling beauty will render you blind. And that's not just the faith in the divine but all others too.

PG said...

ahh..Nas couldn't have said it better. And I think doubts are good, doubts are natural! Imagine the faith that stands tall in the face of all doubts...pretty grand eh? Also, pretty lasting. :)

Subtle Expressions said...

Nas & PG: Agree with both of you. I too am waiting for this true faith