A commute through the busy parts of the city, will give each of us a rather up, close and personal encounter with the not so cultured side of Delhiites.
Honking cars, when there are boards requesting us not to Honk! Driving rash, like there is no tomorrow and all we have is today, might as well go a Long long way. Doesn't really matter if a few are trampled en route.... All this is not exactly courtesy the cabs which ply us between home and work. Rash, Lane-Less (I just coined it for convenience), and In sane driving is quite a common sight even otherwise. People are ready to pick up fights at the drop of a hat (even that would take longer). Irresistible is the desire to pick up a fight, and if its in the middle of a busy road, wow! nothing like it.
Enjoy the extreme privilege of commuting in public transport, be it buses, TSR's (better known as autorickshaws) and it breaks my heart to say even Delhi's pride 'The Metro.' Leering eyes, lewd remarks, completely un-called for rendition, of the most crass songs that have ever been created, by the 'Yahoo Male,'... I'm sure you get the idea.
And if this was not enough to puncture the pride we have for being who we are, we have men relieving themselves shamelessly anywhere and everywhere, spittles resulting from betel leaf chewing, making landmarks all over the city, garbage dumped everywhere except where it should go, in the bin. One can often spot even the rich and often assumed to be cultured sitting in luxury cars ( and I do not mean the uniformed drivers), just pulling down the window and spray painting the nearest surface with the orange liquid from their mouth. Disgusting as the mere description sounds, the sight is even more annoying and repelling.
I know all the above sounds more like a rant, but this is the sad realization which creeps in, on every venture outside the Clean, Safe and responsibly maintained confines of a home. . .
rakeysh mehra of delhi 6 fame should definitely be reading this.
girl, whatever dilli-wallas say..the city is delirious and crazy.
exceptions aside, men are predators and genetically, they are erring since adam's time.
I completely agree with you. It's maddening!! Btw nice piece, I think things should get you frustrated more often, at least it wakes up the writer in you!!!
:) agree to you both
The same story in every city.
I think i'll also have to agree with your friends. You do write when you get agitated. =)
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