Sunday, January 13, 2013

A much needed road trip to nowhere…

There are times when you need to really take the road less travelled, or sometimes not travelled at all. I mean this in the most literal sense. Bags stuffed with munchies, camera charged and car tank fully fed, we set out of the city. Music blasting from the speakers, 5 voices full of gaiety excited to head to nowhere. Every now and then the lens would rear its head out of the case to capture the amber rays of the evening sun, its golden glow, silhouettes of branches, making for the most wonderful pictures. The landscape on either side very different from what we were used to, the roads narrow, the flora in its myriad shades, quite the kick just to venture out. Road trips are always a handful for the keen eye of the camera. A dozen miles later, hunger pangs took the better of us, it was time to make the first pit stop at a dhaba. I'm still not quite sure if it was actually the food, the company, the surroundings, the impromptu nature of the trip or some combination of all three, that we couldn't stop gushing about the food.

Fully fed on a lot of carbs and laughter, we were off again on the road to nowhere. There is a reason I call it the road to nowhere, cause when we did reach the destination, we realized the joy truly was in the journey. It was the drive that made it worth the while, and most importantly, for the life of us we couldn't recall the name of the place we were off to. Classic case of how getting out was far more important and reaching somewhere…

By the time we did reach the place on the map that had been narrowed down on, we realized there were lush green forests which were waiting to be walked into. Now we have enough of that on campus, and I doubt if any of us (including the more adventurous kinds) have dared to venture in to the depths of these inviting greens past sunset.  Therefore, it was quite the task to make the feeble hearted ones to walk along on the picture perfect, orange winding path running like the spine of the forest.  We walked and walked and walked… until darkness finally did descend. Time can be such a spoilt sport sometimes, it comes knocking on your door, when you least want it to and then you have to pack your bags and get moving. Just like we did… cause return we must, to complete the circle, to always be closing!

Dying sunlight,
The darkening shade,
 A narrow winding path…
A chirping sound or two,
Rustling of leaves or life
The depth beckons, the road nowhere
Falling stones somewhere far ahead
Sounds of footsteps and some voices
Before the silence and descending darkness!

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